Passive immunization in a murine model of pulmonary anthrax. Mice were treated via the intraperitoneal route with the indicated amount of MAb or PBS 18 h prior to intratracheal challenge with 104 B. anthracis Ames spores. (A) Representative Kaplan-Meier plot showing course of survival in sham-treated mice or mice treated with 2,000 or 250 μg MAb F24F2 or F24G7 18 h prior to intratracheal challenge. (B) Dose-response curve showing percent survival for mice treated with various amounts of each MAb. Results are shown for two separate experiments for all MAbs, except 21Bl, which was only done for a single experiment. Protection following treatment with 4,000 μg MAb was only done for experiment 1, with the exception of MAb F24G7, which was used at the 4,000-μg dose for both experiments.