MSP-specific antibody response induced by immunization with the chimeric rPyMSP-1/8. BALB/cByJ mice (n = 5) were immunized and boosted twice with rPyMSP-8 or the chimeric rPyMSP-1/8 formulated with Quil A as an adjuvant. Serum samples were collected 2 weeks following the third immunization. Prechallenge antibody titers (means ± standard deviations) against rPyMSP-142 (░⃞), GST-PyMSP-119 (▩), rPyMSP-8 (▪), and GST-PyMSP-8C (□) determined by ELISA are shown. Immunization groups are indicated along the x axis. Ag, antigen; IgG, immunoglobulin G.