Extraction of thioredoxin with ethanol. (A) Cells (30 A610 units) of S. cerevisiae YPH250 were suspended in 1-ml portions of various concentrations of ethanol (EtOH) at 37°C for 16 h. (B) Cells (30 A610 units) were treated with various concentrations of ethanol (1 ml) at 4, 30, or 37°C for 2 h. (C) Cells (30 A610 units) were treated with 20% ethanol (1 ml) at 37, 50, or 60°C for different times. (D) Various yeast strains (30 A610 units) were treated with 20% ethanol (1 ml) at 37°C for 2 h. Lane 1, sake yeast Kyokai no. 7; lane 2, sake yeast Kyokai no. 10; lane 3, sake yeast Kyokai no. 11; lane 4, YPH250; lane 5, industrial baker's yeast; lane 6, wine yeast OC2. The amounts of thioredoxin in the supernatants were determined by Western blotting. α-Trx, antithioredoxin antibody.