Figure 1. Survival of children with SS and Sβ°.
Shown are overall survival (A), SCD-related mortality (B), and stroke-free survival (C). Numbers above the x-axes indicate the number of subjects remaining at risk at a particular age. Dotted lines delimit the 95% CIs. (D) Overall survival curves for the Jamaican cohort study of SCD (SS only), the CSSCD infant cohort (SS only), and the Dallas Newborn Cohort (SS and Sβ°). Vertical bars indicate upper or lower boundaries of the 95% CIs (one direction omitted for clarity). The survival curve for the CSSCD infant cohort was published for approximately 4 years of observation only.11 The Jamaican cohort was divided into thirds based on date of birth. Subjects in the first third (1973–1975) did not routinely receive prophylactic PCN, whereas subjects in the middle (1975–1979) and last (1979–1981) thirds did receive PCN. Survival curves are shown only for the first and last third of the Jamaican cohort.