Developmental expression patterns of copine genes in Dictyostelium. Wild-type Dictyostelium cells were developed on filters, and cell samples were harvested every 2 h during the 24-h development. Total RNA was isolated from each cell sample, and mRNA levels were measured by real-time RT-PCR using a relative quantification protocol. Gene expression levels for cpnA to cpnF (panels A to F, respectively) and for the carA gene (G) were normalized to those of two endogenous control genes, rnlA (▪) and cinD (▴), and calibrated to an average expression level for each gene. Expression levels were then log10 transformed. Data from two experiments were averaged and graphed, with error bars representing the standard error. (H) Gene expression levels of the endogenous control gene cinD relative to that of the other endogenous control gene, rnlA.