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. 2006 Nov 1;45(1):31–38. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01507-06


Clinical characteristics of patients with H. cinaedi infectionsa

Case Age (yr) Sex Isolated strain(s) Ward floor Orthopedic diagnosis Date of onset of cellulitis Duration after operation (days) Location of cellulitis WBC count (cells/mm3) CRP (mg/dl) Recurrence Stool culture Diarrhea Antibiotic treatment Date of serum sampling (ELISA)
1 65 F 923 7th L HF, RF 19 June 2004 18 L forearm and chest 13,160 12.3 + + SBTPC 23 February 2005
2 71 F 377 7th LH 1 July 2004 8 Back 12,600 13.5 ND IPM-CS ND
3 68 F 944 7th L HF 21 July 2004 21 L upper arm 18,420 12.3 + CTM 4 March 2005
4 22 M 409 5th R FeF, TF, FiF 9 August 2004 18 R leg 18,880 13.7 ND SBTPC ND
5 76 F b 7th R OA 1 July 2004 12 R lateral thigh 14,830 19.3 ND IPM-CS 1 July 2005
6th L OA 15 September 2004 10 L medial thigh 15,120 22.0 ND CTM ND
6 58 M 717 6th L HF 28 October 2004 28 L upper arm 10,470 14.9 + CTM 25 February 2005
b 6th L CF 28 October 2004 42 L leg CTM ND
7 79 F 1035, 14 6th R HF 24 December 2004 113 R upper arm 13,300 5.6 + SBTPC 9 February 2005
896 6th R CF 20 January 2005 42 R leg 5,540 0.6 ND SBTPC ND
8 70 F 643 6th L TF, FiF 17 January 2005 56 L leg 7,250 6.0 ND CTM ND
9 72 F 56, 361 6th R TF, FiF 1 February 2005 8 R leg 10,230 10.2 + CTM 21 February 2005
10 62 F 1007 6th R OA 18 February 2005 11 R thigh 6,140 18.7 SBTPC 8 March 2005
11 77 F 545, 892 6th R OA 10 March 2005 31 R thigh 15,790 19.2 + CTM 17 March 2005

Abbreviations: CF, calcaneous fracture; FeF, femoral fracture; FiF, fibular fracture; HF, humeral fracture; RF, radial fracture; TF, tibial fracture; LH, lumbar herniation; OA, osteoarthritis, R, right; L, left; WBC, white blood cell; CRP, C-reactive protein; ND, not done; SBTPC, sultamicillin tosylate; CTM, cefotiam hydrochloride; IPM-CS, imipenem-cilastatin sodium; F, female; M, male.


Bacteria had first been isolated and identified, but these isolates became extinct during successive cultures.