Microorganisms which do not show cross-reactivity in the Cepheid RSV assay
Viruses |
Adenovirusa |
Parainfluenza viruses I/II/IIIa |
Echovirusa |
Coxsackie B virusa |
Parvovirus B19b |
Human metapneumovirusa |
Influenza virus Ac |
Influenza virus Bc |
Herpes simplex virus I/IIa |
Cytomegalovirusa |
Epstein-Barr virusa |
Human herpesvirus 6c |
Human herpesvirus 7c |
Human herpesvirus 8c |
Hepatitis C viruse |
Human immunodeficiency viruse |
Bacterial spp. and strains |
Streptococcus pyogenese |
Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 49619a,d |
Haemophilus influenzaee |
Moraxella catarrhalise |
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213d,e |
Legionella pneumophila ATCC 33152a,d |
Mycobacterium abscessusa |
Mycobacterium chelonae ATCC 35752d |
Mycobacterium fortuitum ATCC 6841d |
Mycobacterium avium ATCC 25291d |
Other |
Cryptococcus neoformanse |
Oral-pharyngeal florae |
Isolate obtained from clinical material.
Reference material obtained from BBI Diagnostics (West Bridgewater, MA).
Reference material obtained from Advanced Biotechnologies (Columbia, MD).
Reference material obtained from ATCC (Manassas, VA).
Multiple strains obtained from clinical specimens were tested.