FIG. 1.
Geospatial and source distributions of selected PFGE types. Distributions of PFGE type 7 (A) and PFGE type 38 (B) are shown here; distributions of all other PFGE types that occurred ≥5 times are shown in Fig. S1 ( Sources of isolates were plotted on New York State maps. Source abbreviations are as follows: H, human; Fd, food; Fm, farm; E, environment. Dates of isolation are given as month/year. While information on the county of origin (e.g., the location of the farm or food establishment sampled or the patient residence) was available for most isolates, geographical origins were plotted using five regions within New York State (western, central, northern, eastern, and metro) (see reference 38) to ensure the confidentiality of source locations. FSL ID, Food Safety Laboratory identification number.