Bayesian (Monte Carlo–Markov chain) consensus tree of 249 Sus mtDNA control region haplotypes rooted by a common warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus). Gray (basal) and green (derived) clusters on the tree correspond to general regions on the map where the majority of pigs possess haplotypes within that cluster. The yellow clade represents the Pacific Clade. Yellow stars represent islands on which at least one specimen possessing Pacific Clade haplotypes was identified. The yellow star in Southeast Asia represents the two mainland Asian wild boar samples in Vietnam that possessed this haplotype. Regions on the map are: Mal, peninsular Malaysia; Bor, Borneo; Sum, Sumatra; Jav, Java; Sul, Sulawesi; F, Flores; T, Timor (both in the Lesser Sundas); Mol, Moluccas Islands; PI, Philippines; Tai, Taiwan; NG, New Guinea. The dashed red line labeled WL represents the Wallace Line. The black dashed arrow leading to the more derived portion of the tree illustrates the natural movement of wild Sus out of ISEA and into mainland Asia. See SI Fig. 4 for a more detailed version of the tree.