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. 2007 Apr;97(4):744–749. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2006.090654


Number and Percentage of Persons With AIDS Diagnosis in the First Year After HIV Diagnosis by Exposure Category: St Louis, Mo, 1998–2002

MSM MSM and IDU Man IDU Women IDU Het Man Het Woman Man Othera Woman Othera
Diagnosed Before 1997 3077 (37) 269 (30) 224 (25) 130 (31) 102 (28) 338 (27) 90 (30) 46 (15)
Diagnosed After 1997 996 (38) 43 (40) 58 (43) 40 (45) 187 (35) 291 (27) 198 (16) 105 (6)

Notes. MSM = men who have sex with men; IDU = injection drug use; Het = heterosexual sex. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition of AIDS was expanded in 1993, a change that could impact the percentage of people with and without an AIDS diagnosis before or after 1997.

aExposed to HIV through other means such as blood products or confirmed other.