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. 2007 Apr;97(4):684–690. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2005.082073


Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities, by Intervention Group: Southern California, 2002–2003

Characteristic Control Group (n = 25) Educational Campaign Group (n = 14) Vaccine Day Group (n = 14) Combined Intervention Groupa (n = 14) Total (N = 67) P
For-profit ownership, no. (%) 23 (92) 12 (86) 13 (93) 11 (79) 59 (88) .64
No. licensed beds, mean (SD; range) 107 (42; 45–199) 117 (55; 45–255) 103 (67; 28–299) 92 (31; 43–156) 105 (49; 28–299) .60
No. employees, mean (SD; range) 107 (41; 39–194) 110 (30; 52–161) 98 (86; 30–381) 93 (39; 40–196) 103 (51; 30–381) .79

aThe combined intervention group conducted both the educational campaign intervention and the Vaccine Day intervention.