Figure 2.
Ovarian phenotype of PRKO mice. (A Upper) PR+/− and PRKO littermates have large preovulatory follicles in response to PMSG treatment. (A Lower) In normal mice (PR+/−), follicles ruptured and expelled the oocyte and formed hypertrophic corpora lutea 48 h after ovulatory hCG. In similarly treated PRKO mice, the follicles do not ovulate, and the oocyte remains within the ovary, identified by periodic acid Schiff's reagent staining (dark pink color) of its zona pellucida layer. (B) RT-PCR analysis of the ovulatory marker COX-2. COX-2 was induced normally in both PR+/− and PRKO mice treated with PMSG and hCG (P, hCG 4 h). The ribosomal protein L19 was used as internal control. (C) In-gel zymography of ovarian extracts from hormonally treated PR+/− and PRKO mice showed active MMP-2 (clear bands at 66–72 kDa) throughout follicular development. MMP-9 (clear bands at 92 kDa) was induced and active 4 h after hCG treatment in both PR+/− and PRKO ovaries.