Table 2.
Serum IgM levels after PerC and bone marrow transfer into irradiated hosts
Host* | n | Donor BM | Donor PerC | Serum IgMa†, μg/ml ± SE | Serum IgMb†, μg/ml ± SE | IgMa + IgMb‡, μg/ml |
μ−/− | 7 | μ−/− | C57/Igha | 340 ± 170 | < 0.015 | 340 |
μ−/− | 7 | C57 | C57/Igha | 600 ± 140 | 510 ± 98 | 1,100 |
RAG1−/− | 5 | C57 | C57/Igha | 370 ± 68 | 710 ± 44 | 1,100 |
C57 | 4 | μ−/− | C57/Igha | 1,100 ± 91 | 160 ± 7.0 | 1,200 |
C57 | 10 | C57 | C57/Igha | 570 ± 23 | 240 ± 24 | 820 |
Lethally irradiated recipients before transfer of 5 × 106 PerC and 3 × 106 bone marrow cells (BM) from donors indicated in Table. Sera were taken from mice 2–3 months after transfer and analyzed by ELISA.
†Data shown are mean titers ± standard error.
‡Mean total IgM levels were calculated by adding the values obtained by ELISA for IgMa and IgMb.