Representative photomicrographs of RFRP-3 ICC. Panels A, B & C are atlas plates illustrating anatomical localization of photomicrographs. Cell bodies containing GnIH-ir were observed in the DMH (A & D) and DTM (C & G). RFRP-3-ir fibers were observed in several areas including areas known to be involved in male sexual behavior including the BST (B & E) and MeAD (A & F) and PVT (H). RFRP-3 immunoreactivity was blocked by preabsorption of sections with full-length RFRP-3 (I) but not with another RFamide, kisspeptin (J). Bars = 40 μm (D, G, & H) and 10 μm (E, F, I, & J). opt = optic tract, 3v = third ventricle, ac = anterior commisure.