Figure 5.
Structure of the region surrounding the PATRR22. (A) Predicted structure of LCR22B. There is still a contig gap in LCR22B; the end of the proximal contig is the telomeric end of cHK89, whereas the end of the more distal contig is the centromeric end of BAC RP11-562f10. Ensembl indicates BAC RP11-694E12 as a bridging clone possibly using partial sequence data. Two 45-kb modules, major components of LCR22, are indicated by hatched boxes. Both 45-kb modules contain segments previously designated “NF1L” and “VNTR-L” in the same orientation (Shaikh et al. 2000). Another 45-kb module could potentially reside in the middle. (B) The region surrounding PATRR22. AC288053 and AC074203 are derived from the der(11), whereas AC087065 is derived from the der(22). The bidirectional arrow indicates the longest PCR product identified in this study. Thick dotted arrows indicate the AT-rich region-HSAT1-Alu cassette.