Phylogenetic tree of the Nramp gene family in animals, fungi, and plants. Nramp homologous genes: AtNramp1 (AF 165125), AtNramp2 (AF 141204), AtNramp3 (AF202539), AtNramp4 (AF202540), and AtNramp5 from Arabidopsis; OsNramp1 (L41217), OsNramp2 (L81152), and OsNramp3 (U60767) from rice (Oryza sativa). SMF1 (U15929) and SMF2 (U00062) from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). MmNramp1 (L13732) and MmNramp2 (L33415) from mouse (Mus musculus). DCT1 is the rat homologue of MmNramp2. DmMVL1 stands for Mavolio 1 (U23948) from Drosophila melanogaster. DrMntH (AE002012), EcMntH (AF161318), PaMntH1 (AF161319), PaMntH2 (AF161320), and StMntH (AF161317) from bacteria (Deinococcus radiodurans, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella typhimurium). The phylogenetic tree of Nramp sequences was drawn by using the treeview program after comparison of the deduced protein sequences with the clustalx program.