Figure 1.
Bridge-size dependence of hole transport in DNA strands: G+(TTG)nGG DNA with N = 1–4. (a) The ratio φ of the yields of GGG and of all the products Pj (N = 1…N). (b) The ratio φ′ of the yields of GGG and of P1. Experimental data of Giese et al. (ref. 19 and S.W. and B.G., unpublished data) are marked by open squares with error bars. The calculated results from the numerical solution of Scheme S2 are, for the solid lines, kr/k = 0.08, kd/k = 0.08, and kt/k = 0.6 and, for the dotted lines, kr/k = 0.1, kd/k = 0.08, and kt/k = 1.1.