Figure 5.
c-rel−/−rela−/− stem cells contribute to the development of various hemopoietic lineages. Cell suspensions from the bone marrow or thymus of irradiated C57BL/6-Ly5.1 mice engrafted 4–6 months earlier with normal Ly5.1 bone marrow and either E12 control (c-rel−/−) or c-rel−/−rela−/− fetal liver cells were stained with mAbs specific for fetal liver-derived erythroid (A), B lymphoid (B), T lymphoid (C), and granulocytic cells (D) and analyzed by flow cytometry. The symbols ∗ and # correspond to mice that were healthy and sick, respectively, 4 months after being engrafted with normal Ly5.1 bone marrow and c-rel−/−rela−/− fetal liver cells. Organ cellularity and distribution of normal and fetal liver-derived hemopoietic cells are shown. These data are representative of six or more animals analyzed in each group.