Proliferation rate of primary mouse embyo fibroblasts transfected with
BRCA1. Fibroblasts derived from rb+/+,
rb−/−, or rb+/− were cotransfected
with a lacZ expression vector and BRCA1 or vector alone.
In 2 days, cells were labeled with BrdUrd and stained for β-gal and
BrdUrd. Cells positive for β-gal were scored for proliferation
assessed by BrdUrd incorporation. (A) Percentage of
proliferating cells in the population of transfected cells.
(B) Same as in A with the number of
proliferating cells in each cell line transfected with
lacZ and vector alone taken as a 100%. ■,
transfection with vector alone; ▧, transfection with
BRCA1. Standard deviations are presented in
A and B. At least 100 β-gal-positive
cells were analyzed in three fields for each transfection in two
independent experiments.