Patient: | ·hhhh er:m my spine's never actually been checked out./and I feel (.) that (.) maybe it should be |
Code | Concern (shows non specific concern)/Criticism (patient shows criticism) |
Doctor: | Mmm Hmm? |
Code | Back Channel (doctor only code — non directive encourager to indicate attention/desire to hear more) |
Patient: | But er:m I basically I need some advice off you? ·hhhhhh |
Code | ?Service (appeals to the doctors authority for a service or medication — patient only) |
Doctor: | Sure |
Code | Agree (shows agreement or understanding) |
(0.4) | |
Patient: | Er:m I:::'m (0.4) still in u (0.4) on the er medication that they give me (.) tramodol:: hydrochloride. |
Code | Gives-Thera (gives information about treatment) |
Doctor: | [[ Mmm hmm? |
Code | Back Channel |
Patient: | [[·hhhhh erm >I'm still experiencing pain.< (.) in my lower to mid back. |
Code | Gives-Med (gives information relating to symptoms or medical history) |
Transcription key: ·hhh = inspiration each h representing 0.2 seconds of time. (.) = pause of less than 0.2 seconds. (0.4) = pause with the number of seconds recorded. [[ = Both parties start to talk together. >I'm still< = utterance spoken faster than the rest. I:::'m = prolonged utterance each colon representing 0.2 seconds of time.? = rising intonation. . = falling intonation. back = stressed word or syllable.