Fig. 2.
SNP and μ-indel heterozygosity are variable across the C. savignyi genome. Map of heterozygosity of SNPs (top bar of each pair) and μ-indels of size 1 (bottom bar) across the 99 longest allelic regions, encompassing 153 Mb (an estimated 88% of the genome). Region ID is on the left. Each colored square represents a nonoverlapping window of 50 kb, with the color range scaled to cover 3 SDs on either side of the mean heterozygosity, as measured in 50-kb windows (SNP mean = 4.6%; μ-indel mean = 0.27%). Gray represents no estimate because of missing sequence for one of the two alleles (see SI Text). Boxed charts show heterozygosity measured in 5-kb windows (smoothed to decrease noise) across the indicated 500-kb regions.