Table 1.
Selected Genes Whose Expression Is Upregulated in Rat Bladder Tumors Compared with Normal Bladder Epithelia Identified by Microarray.
Gene | Accession Number | Description | Fold Change | P |
Cell cycle-related genes | ||||
Cdc2a | NM_019296 | CDC2 homolog A* | 2.7* | .0250 |
Cdc20 | U05341 | CDC20 homolog* | 4.6* | .0040 |
Cdc23 | BE111697 | CDC23 (cell division cycle 23, yeast, homolog) (predicted)* | 33.3* | .0170 |
Cdc25B | NM_133572 | CDC25 homolog B | 2.4 | .0007 |
Cdc42ep5 | AI599324 | CDC42 effector protein (rho GTPase binding) 5 (predicted) | 2.6 | .0027 |
Cdca1 | BG375704 | Cell division cycle-associated 1 (predicted) | 5.5 | .0125 |
Cdca2 | AW532628 | Cell division cycle-associated 2 (predicted) | 5.6 | .0456 |
Cdca3 | BF417638 | Cell division cycle-associated 3 | 6.1 | .0298 |
Ccna2 | AA998516 | Cyclin A2* | 15.3* | .0028 |
Ccnb1 | X64589 | Cyclin B1* | 4.8* | .0135 |
Ccnb2 | AW253821 | Cyclin B2* | 6.5* | .0041 |
Ccnd1 | X75207 | Cyclin D1* | 8.8* | .0151 |
Cdkn2a | AF474976 | Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (p16INK4a)* | 8.7* | .0310 |
Cdkn2c | NM_131902 | Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C (p18, inhibits CDK4)* | 3.7* | .0005 |
Cdkn2d | BI290067 | Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2D* | 2.2* | .0053 |
Cdkn3 | BE113362 | Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3 (predicted)* | 21.3* | .0136 |
Mad2l1 | AW143296 | MAD2 (mitotic arrest deficient, homolog)-like 1 (yeast)* | 2.0* | .0050 |
Plk1 | U10188 | Polo-like kinase 1 (Drosophila)* | 3.7* | .0218 |
Plk4 | BE109322 | Polo-like kinase 4 (Drosophila) (predicted)* | 2.5* | .0059 |
Gadd45b | BI287978 | Growth arrest and DNA damage- inducible 45 β (predicted)* | 2.7* | .0007 |
Gadd45g | AI599423 | Growth arrest and DNA damage- inducible 45 γ (predicted) | 2.4 | .0106 |
Gas5 | BF287008 | Growth arrest-specific 5 | 2.3 | .0367 |
Gas7 | AJ131902 | Growth arrest-specific 7 | 2.3 | .0305 |
Gap43 | NM_017195 | Growth-associated protein 43 | 2.1 | .0167 |
Gdf1 | BI289525 | Growth differentiation factor 1 (predicted) | 6.1 | .0769 |
Bub1 | BF388785 | Budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 homolog* | 11.5* | .0000 |
Bub1b | BF557145 | Budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 homolog, β | 7.9 | .0074 |
Myc | NM_012603 | Myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) | 2.5 | .0077 |
Jundp | NM_053894 2 | Jun dimerization protein 2 | 3.8 | .0017 |
Dusp6 | NM_053883 | Dual-specificity phosphatase 6* | 2.4* | .0245 |
Mki67 | AI714002 | Antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki-67* | 20.8* | .0010 |
Small G proteins | ||||
Racgap1 | AI409259 | Rac GTPase-activating protein 1* | 17.8* | .0146 |
Rad51 | BI303370 | RAD51 homolog (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)* | 5.1* | .0048 |
Rem2 | BI296482 | Rad- and gem-related GTP-binding protein 2 | 10.4 | .0045 |
Rap2a | AW251376 | Rap2A-like protein | 3.6 | .0190 |
Rap2b | NM_133410 | RAP2B, member of RAS oncogene family | 2.9 | .0185 |
Rap2ip | AI535169 | Rap2-interacting protein* | 4.8* | .0221 |
Rin3 | AI706777 | Ras and Rab interactor 3 (predicted) | 4.5 | .0045 |
Rasgrp1 | BI282819 | RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1* | 2.3* | .0129 |
Rasgrp2 | AW532114 | RAS guanyl-releasing protein 2 (predicted) | 2.1 | .0247 |
Arhc | AA891940 | Ras homolog gene family, member C (predicted)* | 2.5* | .0003 |
Arhd | AA955648 | Ras homolog gene family, member D (predicted)* | 2.1* | .0020 |
Arhe | AI103572 | Ras homolog gene family, member E | 2.8 | .0158 |
Rnd1 | AI144754 | Rho family GTPase 1 (predicted) | 5.1 | .0405 |
Arhgap4 | BE111827 | Rho GTPase-activating protein 4 | 3.3 | .0260 |
Arhgap8 | AA945062 | Rho GTPase-activating protein 8 | 2.3 | .0025 |
BG377320 | Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 17 (predicted) | 2.5 | .0003 | |
Arhgdib | BF285771 | Rho, GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) β (predicted) | 3.7 | .0040 |
Rock2 | BI303031 | Rho-associated coiled coil forming kinase 2 | 2.7 | .0242 |
BG378261 | Rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 1 (predicted) | 3.9 | .0128 | |
Oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes | ||||
Akt1 | NM_033230 | V-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 | 1.5 | .0077 |
Akt3 | NM_031575 | Thymoma viral proto-oncogene 3 | 2.4 | .0255 |
Nf1 | BM386570 | Neurofibromatosis 1 | 3.1 | .0168 |
Kit | AI454052 | V-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene | 4.2 | .0079 |
Maf | NM_019318 | V-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma (avian) oncogene | 2.7 | .0024 |
Mafb | AA900536 | V-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein B (avian) | 3.1 | .0004 |
Ect2 | AI578135 | Ect2 oncogene (predicted)* | 12.0* | .0122 |
Fes | BI289400 | Feline sarcoma oncogene (predicted)* | 3.4* | .0068 |
Fyn | AI230396 | Fyn proto-oncogene | 2.1 | .0266 |
Myc | NM_012603 | Myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) | 2.5 | .0077 |
Ndr4 | BG666709 | N-myc downstream regulated 4 | 2.5 | .0031 |
BM390283 | Large tumor suppressor 2 (predicted) | 2.3 | .0010 | |
Apoptosis | ||||
Birc2 | NM_023987 | Inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1* | 3.3* | .0077 |
Birc5 | NM_022274 | Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 (Survivin) | 3.6* | .0500 |
Pawr | U05989 | PRKC, apoptosis, WT1, regulator | 2.0 | .0003 |
Casp1 | D85899 | Caspase 1* | 2.7* | .0173 |
Casp11 | NM_053736 | Caspase 11* | 4.7* | .0025 |
Casp12 | NM_130422 | Caspase 12 | 5.7 | .0010 |
Pycard | BI282953 | Apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD | 2.1 | .0047 |
Bcl11b | BE116855 | B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 11B (predicted) | 4.0 | .0006 |
Bcl2a1 | NM_133416 | B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 related protein A1* | 5.6* | .0033 |
Bcl3 | AI411774 | B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 3 (predicted)* | 5.8* | .0059 |
Bcl6 | AI237606 | B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 6 (predicted)* | 3.6* | .0014 |
Bok | AI227742 | Bcl-2-related ovarian killer protein* | 2.2* | .0040 |
Cebpd | NM_013154 | CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), δ | 2.9 | .0002 |
Tnfsf13 | AA800814 | Tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 13 | 2.5 | .0000 |
Tnfip6 | AF159103 | Tumor necrosis factor α induced protein 6 | 2.4 | .0135 |
Tnfrsf11b | NM_012870 | Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b* | 3.9* | .0012 |
Tnfrsf12a | BI303379 | Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 12a | 5.9 | .0000 |
BI278479 | Tumor necrosis factor, α-induced protein 2 (predicted) | 2.8 | .0024 | |
Growth factors and related genes | ||||
Ctgf | NM_022266 | Connective tissue growth factor* | 7.9* | .0002 |
BF284634 | Epidermal growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 | 3.9 | .0015 | |
Fgf13 | NM_053428 | Fibroblast growth factor 13 | 3.6 | .0007 |
Fgfbp1 | NM_022603 | Fibroblast growth factor binding protein 1* | 30.2* | .0027 |
Hgf | NM_017017 | Hepatocyte growth factor | 4.3 | .0022 |
Hgfac | BE119649 | Hepatocyte growth factor activator | 2.1 | .0130 |
Hdgfrp3 | BI283829 | Hepatoma-derived growth factor, related protein 3 | 3.5 | .0019 |
Igf1 | M15481 | Insulin-like growth factor 1 | 21.4 | .0010 |
Igfbp3 | NM_012588 | Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3* | 3.2* | .0000 |
Igfbp4 | BE108969 | Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 | 2.1 | .0261 |
Igfbp7 | AI233246 | Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 | 3.0 | .0000 |
Pdgfrb | BM389426 | Platelet-derived growth factor receptor, β polypeptide* | 2.9* | .0017 |
Pdgfa | BE100812 | Platelet-derived growth factor, α* | 2.1* | .0044 |
Pdgfc | NM_031317 | Platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide | 3.0 | .0054 |
Scgf | AI576758 | Stem cell growth factor | 2.2 | .0055 |
Tgfb1 | NM_021578 | Transforming growth factor, β 1 | 6.6 | .0014 |
Tgfb2 | NM_031131 | Transforming growth factor, β 2* | 5.9* | .0021 |
Vegfc | NM_053653 | Vascular endothelial growth factor C | 2.5 | .0039 |
Most of the upregulated genes were small G proteins, apoptosis genes, cell cycle-related genes, oncogenes, and growth factors. Fold change is the ratio of the mean gene expression values of tumors to the mean gene expression values of epithelia from the microarray.
The genes were also found to be differentially expressed in mouse bladder tumors.