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. 2007 Mar;5(2):126–134. doi: 10.1370/afm.641

Table 2.

Current General Medical Conditions and Function/Quality of Life, by Recruitment Setting

Primary Care Specialty Care
n = 1,063 (41.8%) n = 1,478 (58.2%)
Baseline Characteristics Mean (SD) Adjusted Mean (SE) Mean (SD) Adjusted Mean (SE) Total N = 2,541 Mean (SD) UnadjustedPValue AdjustedPValue*
CIRS, total score 5.1 (4.1) 3.9 (3.7) 4.4 (3.9) <.001
    Physical 46.4 (12.3) 47.6 (0.5) 51.1 (11.6) 49.5 (0.5) 49.2 (12.1) <.001 .004
    Mental 28.9 (9.8) 28.7 (0.4) 25.5 (8.3) 26.2 (0.4) 26.9 (8.8) <.001 <.001
WSAS 22.3 (9.8) 21.8 (0.5) 24.4 (8.9) 24.2 (0.4) 23.5 (9.3) <.001 <.001
Q-LES-Q 42.7 (15.9) 44.0 (0.7) 41.0( 14.9) 41.2 (0.7) 41.7 (15.4) 0.013 <.001

CIRS = Cumulative Illness Rating Scale; SF-12 = 12-Item Health Survey; WSAS = Work and Social Adjustment Scale; Q-LES-Q = Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire.

* Adjusted for age, sex, education, marital status, employment status, ethnicity, length of current episode, and CIRS total score.