Table 2.
Validation of plants used for reproductive problems in Trinidad and Tobago
Scientific name | Common name | Use | Validation |
Abelmoschus moschatus | Gumbo musque | Female complaints, remove placenta | 2 |
Achyranthes indica | Man better man | Female complaints | 3 |
Ageratum conyzoides | Z'herbe á femme | Prostate Womens' complaints | 2 |
Ambrosia cumanenesis | Altamis | Inflammation, abortion, Menstrual pain | 2 |
Aristolochia rugosa, Aristolochia trilobata | Mat root, anico | Remove placenta, abortion, menstrual pain | 2 |
Artemisia absinthium | Wormwood | Female complaints | 2 |
Brownea latifolia | Cooper hoop | Female complaints | More data needed |
Capraria biflora | Du thé pays | Menstrual pain | More data needed |
Catharanthus roseus | White Periwinkle | 'Man's disease' | More data |
Chamaesyce hirta | Malomay | Infertility | 3 diuretic |
Clusea rosea | Matapal | Bark belt for man's waist pain | More data needed |
Cocos nucifera | Coconut | Abortion | 2 |
Cola nitida | Obie seed | Infertility | More data |
Coleus aromaticus | Spanish thyme | Shorten labour | 3 |
Commelina elegans | Water grass | Douche | 2 |
Cordia curassavica | Black sage | Menstrual pain | 2 |
Croton gossypifolius | Bois sang | Menstrual pain | 2 |
Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita maxima | Pumpkin | Prostate problems | 2 |
Desmodium canum | Sweet heart bush | Venereal diseases | 2 |
Eleutherine bulbosa | Dragon blood | Female complaints | 2 |
Entada polystachya | Mayoc chapelle | Menstrual pain | More data |
Eryngium foetidum | Chadron bénée | Menstrual pain, remove placenta, shorten labour | More data needed |
Eupatorium macrophyllum | Z'herbe chatte | Womens' complaints | 2 |
Gomphrena globosa | Bachelor button | Prostate problems | More data |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | Hibiscus | Female complaints | 3 |
Justicia pectoralis | Carpenter grass | Prostate problems | 2 |
Justicia secunda | St. John's bush | Womens' complaints | 2 |
Laportea aestuans | Red stinging nettle | Shorten labour | More data |
Leonotis nepetaefolia | Shandileer | Menstrual pain | More data |
Mimosa pudica | Mese marie | Childbirth | 2 |
Nopalea cochinellifera | Rachette | Menopause, hot flashes | 2 |
Parinari campestris | Bois bandé | Erectile dysfunction | 2 |
Parthenium hysterophorus | White head broom | Womens' complaints | 3 pain |
Pilea microphylla | Du thé bethelmay | Inflammation, womb cleanser | 2 |
Richeria grandis | Bois bandé | Erectile dysfunction | 2 |
Ruta graveolens | Ruda | Childbirth, carminative, menstrual pain, cold in womb | 3 |
Scoparia dulcis | Sweet broom | Prostate | 2 |
Urena sinuata | Patte chien | Man's waist pain | 2 |
Vetiveria zizanioides | Vetivert | Shorten labour | 2 |
Wedelia trilobata | Venven caribe | Womens' complaints | 2 |