(A) Cartoon of signaling by LRb showing the activation of specific signals by individual tyrosine phosphorylation (pY) sites. (B) Targeting strategy for generation of the LeprL985 allele. Shown is the targeting vector containing the LRb-specific exon 18b with the mutation of Tyr985 (which also generates a novel HindIII site) (exon18b-L985) plus Neo and thymidine kinase (TK) cassettes for positive and negative selection, respectively. Recombination in ES cells replaces the wild-type exon 18b with exon 18b-L985 and the Neo cassette, to mediate physiologic expression of the mutant LRb from the endogenous Lepr gene, as previously described (26). (C) Southern blot using a Lepr locus probe, demonstrating correct targeting of the locus in +/+, l/+, and l/l mice. M, marker. (D) qPCR for hypothalamic LRb mRNA expression in +/+ and l/l mice. (E) Hypothalamic detection of STAT3(PY) in +/+ and l/l mice. Age- and sex-matched animals were treated i.p. with vehicle or leptin for 30 minutes. Brains were processed for immunohistochemical detection of STAT3(PY) in the hypothalamus; representative sections showing the ARC and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) are shown. For reference, position of the third cerebral ventricle (3V) is shown. Original magnification, ×20.