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. 2007 Apr 2;117(4):1068–1077. doi: 10.1172/JCI30117

Figure 6. Hif-2 regulates hepatic Epo expression in infant mice.

Figure 6

(A) Relative Epo mRNA levels in the livers and kidneys (K) of P2, P10, P20, and P60 mice. Bars represent the average Epo mRNA transcript level of 3 mice for each condition. (B) Genomic PCR analysis of DNA isolated from the tail and liver of albumin–Hif-2α mutant mice at P2 and P10. Note that the ratio of the recombined (1-lox) allele to the unrecombined (2-lox) Hif-2α allele increased between P2 and P10. (C) Relative Epo mRNA expression levels in P10 albumin–Hif-2α (Hif-2α–/–) and albumin–Hif-1α (Hif-1α–/–) and Cre-recombinase–negative control littermates (WT). Bars represent the mean Epo mRNA transcript level for WT albumin–Hif-2α littermates (n = 12) and albumin–Hif-2α mutants (n = 13) (left) and albumin–Hif-1α mutants and littermate controls (n = 10 each) (left). (D) Hemoglobin concentrations and red blood cell numbers in blood collected from 10-day-old albumin-Cre mutant and control mice. Bars represent the mean values for albumin–Hif-2α controls and mutants (n = 12 each), albumin–Hif-1α controls (n = 18), and albumin–Hif-1α mutants (n = 11). Error bars represent SEM. *P < 0.05 compared with littermate controls as determined by Student’s t test.