Figure 7. Effect of AdCre transfection into the SFO on water intake.
(A) Drinking volume of water before and after SFO-directed injection (arrow) of AdCre/AdEGFP into SRA mice lacking loxP sites (filled squares; n = 8); AdEGFP alone into SRAflox mice (filled triangles; n = 8); AdCre/AdEGFP into SRAflox mice, where the injection missed the SFO (filled diamonds; n = 21); and AdCre/AdEGFP into SRAflox mice, where the injection into the SFO was confirmed (filled circles; n = 8). Data were analyzed using 2-way repeated measures ANOVA with the Bonferroni posthoc test. *P < 0.05 versus SRAflox mice injected with AdEGFP; †P < 0.05 versus SRAflox mice injected with AdCre, which missed the SFO; ‡P < 0.05 versus SRA mice lacking loxP sites injected with AdCre/AdEGFP. (B) Change in water intake by mice after SFO-directed injection of AdCre/AdEGFP into SRAflox mice, where the injection missed the SFO (open circles) and of AdCre/AdEGFP into SRAflox mice, where the injection into the SFO was confirmed (filled circles). *P < 0.003.