(A) A model of a possible ternary AvrB/RIN4142–176/ADP complex based on the crystal structures of AvrB/ADP and AvrB/RIN4142–176 (see Discussion).
(B) The crystal structure of a ternary complex of cAMP-dependent kinase/inhibitor peptide/AMPPNP (PDB code 1CDK). The color scheme employed follows that of previous ribbon diagrams. RIN4142–176 and inhibitory peptide are shaded green in (A) and (B), respectively. Atoms of ADP and RIN4142–176 T166 in (A) and AMPPNP in (B) are colored by type: C (green), N (blue), O (red), and P (pink). Labeled residues are stick representations of those critical for AvrB/RIN4142–176 or AvrB/ADP interaction in (A), and those critical for S17 phosphorylation, inhibited by S17A, as shown in (B).