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. 2006;2006:724–728.

Table 1.

Relationship between complexity of the prescribing decision and decision outcomes

Relative complexity of the decision
Lower Higher Statistical difference between groups
Mean complexity scores
 MML, bits 35.8 67.7 t=34.75 p<0.001
 CASA 17 33 t=14.59 p<0.001
 EIP 164 388 t=22.74 p<0.001
Agreement with the expert panel, n (%) 99/124 (80%) 79/124 (64%) Chi S = 7.96 p= 0.005
Confident or highly confident of prescribing decision, n (%) 97/124 (78%) 79/124 (64%) Chi S = 6.34 p=0.012
Time taken (seconds per case)
Mean 125 156 t = 2.58 p=0.010
Median 91 120
SD 95 94

Chi S = Chi square; MML, minimum message length; CASA, clinical algorithm structure analysis; EIP, elementary information process.