1. mrn |
2. date |
3. acc_no |
4. report_type |
5. finding_id |
6. primary_type |
7. primary_value |
8. primary_code |
UMLS code(s) for primary finding
Only preserve the code (e.g., ‘UMLS:C0035522^rib fractures’ ‘C0035522’)
9. bodyloc |
10. bodyloc_code |
11. region |
Relative locations within a body location (any except ‘right’, ‘left’, and ‘bilateral’)
Concatenate repeat values with ‘^’
12. laterality |
Region modifier (only ‘right’, ‘left’, ‘bilateral’)
Concatenate repeat values with ‘^’
13. change |
Denotes change in finding (e.g., ‘worse’)
Concatenate repeat values with ‘^’
Concatenate nested certainty value with ‘-‘(e.g., ‘worse – no’)
14. descriptor |
Qualifies a property of a finding or body location (e.g., ‘large’ or ‘round’)
Concatenate repeat values with ‘^’
Concatenate nested certainty value with ‘-‘(e.g., ‘round – high’)
15. problemdescr |
Qualifies a problem finding
Concatenate repeat values with ‘^’
Concatenate nested certainty value with ‘-‘(e.g., ‘mass – low’)
16. certainty |
17. status |
Denotes temporal information (e.g., ‘end’)
Concatenate repeat values with ‘^’
Add nested date value to other_mod field
18. other_mod |
All other modifier types and values not included in other fields (e.g., date)
Concatenate values with ‘:’, ‘^’, and ‘;’
Ignore nested modifiers
19. sectname |
Section of report that the finding occurs in
Shorten value where appropriate (e.g., ‘report description item' → ‘description’)
20. sid |
21. parsemode |