Analysis of RFC mRNA transcripts in E9.5-E11.5 mouse embryos. RFC mRNA was widely expressed; however, structures undergoing developmental changes requiring rapid cell division expressed the mRNAs most strongly. Panels A-C demonstrate expression of RFC mRNA in embryos varying in age from E9.5 to E11.5. Light purple staining indicates the widespread nature of the RFC message. Regions of more intense staining include the forebrain, eye, hindbrain, mandible, heart, limb buds, somites, tail and yolk sac. Panel D depicts a control in situ hybridization performed with RFC sense riboprobes. Lack of background staining verifies that the signal in the experimental specimens is specific. Forebrain, FB; eye, E; hindbrain, HB; mandible, M; heart, H; limb buds, LB; somites, S; tail, T. Scale bar represents 50 μm.