ChiLl is specifically recognized by RexAB. E. coli strains containing plasmid pRC2 with ChiLl or ChiEc were grown to mid-logarithmic phase, and whole-cell lysates were prepared. HMW was detected by Southern hybridization by using pRC2 as probe. Plasmids are: pRC2-ChiLlm (containing mutated ChiLl, χLlm lanes), pRC2-ChiLl1–2 (containing head-to-head copies of ChiLl, χLl1–2 lanes), pRC2-ChiLl1 (containing ChiLl in orientation 1, χLl1 lanes), pRC2-ChiLl2 (containing ChiLl in orientation 2, χLl2 lanes), pRC2-ChiEc2 (containing ChiEc in orientation 2, χEc lanes). Smear and bands below HMW in V186[pRexAB] strain appear to be secondary products of HMW accumulation.