Testicular expression of the RNA associated with the C13 RARE. A. Cryosections of mature mouse testis hybridized to anti-sense testis transcripts labeled with digoxygenin-UTP and detected with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated antibodies. (100X) B. Northern blot of RNA isolated from day 10, 16, 21, and adult (Ad.) testes and adult ovaries (Ov) was probed with cDNA probes for the C13 testis transcript, Rex1 (Zfp-42), and Actin. Rex1 is a spermatocyte marker (Rogers et al., 1991). In the actin panel, the upper bands are the somatic (Soma.) mRNAs expressed in Sertoli and Leydig cells and ovaries and the lower bands are the germ cell mRNAs expressed in developing spermatids. The onset of C13 testis RNA expression at day 16 after the expression of Rex1, but before the expression of the germ cell actin isoform, suggests that this RNA is produced in secondary spermatocytes or early round spermatids.