Figure 2.
Correlation between 3-DEMO parameters and SRS-Ponseti classification, grouped according to the thoracic proximal curve: e.g. Moe's double curves (left proximal Thoracic – right distal Thoracic) have been classified with the single left Thoracic and the left Thoracic – right Lumbar curves, and so on. As explained in Figure 1, in all graphs the legend of colors is reported in the vertical bar on the left, each vertical bar reports the SRS classification (Tl: thoracic left; Tr: thoracic right), all graphs are scaled in percentage of cases. A. Left Direction is highly correlated with Thoracic right curves, while the opposite is true for Thoracic left; B. The Sagittal Shift 3-DEMO parameter is correlated with SRS classification, with Thoracic left curves not equally distributed, as it could have been supposed, being the SRS classification related to the frontal radiographs and not to sagittal ones; C. Right Frontal Shift prevails in Thoracic Right SRS curves, while this in Thoracic Left cases are almost equally distributed among the three possible Frontal Shift parameters; D. No differences have been seen according to the Phase 3-DEMO parameter.