Figure 3.
Effect of L. casei stimulation on DC phenotype. Monocyte-derived dendritic cells from house dust mite sensitive-patients (a) and (b) and from healthy donors (c) and (d) were exposed (dark grey line) or not (grey line) to L. casei for 48 hours in the Transwell model. (a) and (c) Adherent DC were analyzed by flow cytometry for CD80, CD86, HLA-DR, and CD54 expression. the black line represents the reactivity of fluorochrome-matched isotype control mAbs. One representative experiment (out of 6 and 7, for allergic and healthy donors, resp.) is shown. (b), (d) The mean fluorescence intensity (ΔMFI) of the expression of each marker by adherent and nonadherent DC after stimulation with medium, and L. casei is represented for both allergic ((b), n = 6) and healthy donors ((d), n = 7). *P < .05.