Figure 2.
PSF co-expressed with SR kinases in bacteria can be recognized by SR phosphorylation-specific mAb3C5. (A). 2 μM of GST, or His-tagged proteins (nonO, PSF or ASF/SF2) or the same proteins co-expressed with Dsk1 (nonOD, PSFD or ASF/SF2D) were resolved by 10% SDS-PAGE, transferred to PVDF membranes, and then western blotted with mAb3C5. (B). 2 μM of purified PSF alone or PSF co-expressed with Dsk1 (PSFD) or SRPK1 (PSFS) were separated as above and filters were blotted with anti-PSF (left panel) or mAb3C5 (right panel). The reactive species at 68 kD is a proteolytic fragment of PSF previously observed at high abundance [14].