Figure 5.
SR phosphorylation regulates the in vitro binding of PSF to the polypyrimidine tract of the 3’ splice site. (A) Specificity of PSF-pyrimidine (py) tract binding. PSF expressed alone in and purified from E coli was incubated with a labeled RNA oligo (∼1ng) containing the branch point (bp) and py (bp+py) at 30°C for 25 min (lane, 1-4). Specific (lanes 5-9) or non-specific (lanes 10-14) unlabeled competitors were added at varying concentrations to the binding reactions prior to resolution on a 6% native polyacrylamide gel and visualization by phosphoimaging. (B) SR phosphorylation reduces binding. PSF (lanes 1-4) or PSF co-expressed with Dsk1 (PSFD) (lanes 5-8) or SRPK1 (PSFS) (lanes 9-12) were incubated separately with the labeled RNA bp+py-containing oligo (∼1ng) at 30°C for 25 min. Samples were resolved and visualized as in(A).