Relationship of (a) peak weekly excess P&I death rate and (b) total excess P&I death rate during the study period to the timing of various NPIs. Cities were divided evenly into those intervening early (black bars) vs. late or not at all (gray bars), and the median outcome for the early and late groups was plotted. The first two groups of bars assess overall timing of intervention, comparing those cities that announced four or more NPIs before experiencing 20/100,000 CEPID with those with three or fewer and those that announced five or more NPIs before experiencing 30/100,000 CEPID with those with four or fewer. The remaining groups compare those cities that announced particular measures before experiencing 30/100,000 CEPID with those that did not. Significance by Mann–Whitney U test: ∗, P < 0.05; ∗∗, P < 0.01.