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. 2006 Nov 28;115(3):328–335. doi: 10.1289/ehp.9557

Table 2.

Selected animal models of isocyanate asthma: sensitization via skin.

Sensitization via skin
Inhalation challenge
Compound, reference Animal Frequency/form Dose (μmol NCO) Frequency/form/route/timing Dose End points (inflammation, airway responsiveness, isocyanate antibodies, other)
Karol et al. 1981 Guinea pig Single; 1/day × 50 μL 1, 10, 25, 100% in OO Various; ~ 7, 70, 174, 1,390 Once/inhalation/TDI vapor and TDI-GSA conjugate aerosol, 2 weeks later 5 ppb TDI vapor and 12 μg/L air TDI-GSA ↑ Respiratory rate, ↑ TDI-IgE antibodies
Erjefält and Persson 1992 Guinea pig Twice; days 1 and 8; 1/day × 2 days × 100 μL 20% TDI in EA/OO 2 × ~ 278 = 556 Once; tracheal, TDI, day 15 ~ 1.4–4 pmol NCO ↑ Plasma exudation in lungs (131I-albumin)
Scheerens et al. 1999 Mice BALB/c Short exp: 2/day × 2 days; long exp: 1/week × 6 weeks; both: × 200 μL 1% TDI in Ace/OO Short exp: 2 × 55.6 = 111 Long exp: 6 × ~ 28 = 167 Once; intranasal, 20 μL 1% TDI in EA/OO and ear 20 μL 0.5% in Ace; day 8 or day 42 Intranasal 2.8 μmol NCO + ear 1.4 μmol NCO Short: ↑ TDI-IgG, long: ↑ TDI-IgE and TDI-IgG, ↑ in vivo tracheal hyperresponsiveness
Vanoirbeek et al. 2004 Mice BALB/c Variable; once (1% TDI) or 1/day × 3 days (1, 2, 3); 40 μL 0.3% or 3% TDI in Ace/OO, + repeat on day 7 1% TDI: 5.6 × (1+1) = 11.2; 0.3% TDI: ~ 1.7 × (3 + 1) = 6.7; 3% TDI: 16.7 × (3 + 1) = 66.8 Once; intranasal, 20 μL 0.1% TDI in Ace/OO, day 10 0.28 μmol NCO ↑ Airway responsiveness, ↑ mixed Th1/Th2 lung inflammation, ↑ total IgE, greater response with lower skin dose; timing and freq skin exposure important
Ban et al. 2006 Mice BALB/c Single; 50 μL 1% TDI in Ace/OO on day 0, then tracheal instillation with 50 μL 0.2% TDI in OO on day 5 7 on skin + 1.4 tracheal instillation Trachea instillation with 50 μL 0.1% TDI in OO, on days 18, 28, 31 3 × 0.7 = 2.1 μmol NCO Lung Th2 inflammation, ↑ TDI-IgE, only skin sensit induced Th2 asthma-like responses
Herrick et al. 2002 Mice BALB/c Twice; 50 μL 0.01 or 1% HDI in 4:1 A:OO on days 0 and 7 1.2 and 12.4 Intranasal; 50 μL HDI-MSA (2 μg/μL) on days 14, 15, 18, 19 100 μg Lung and BAL Th2 inflammation, ↑ IgE, ↑ HDI-IgG, lower sensit dose, more lung inflammation
Rattray et al. 1994 Guinea pig Single, variable; 400 μL of 10, 30, or 100% MDI in CO 320, 959, 3,195 Once; inhalation of MDI aerosol on day 21 26–36 mg/m3 ↑ Respiratory rate, ↑ MDI-IgG1, inhalation failed to induce sensit

Abbreviations: ↑, increase; Ace, acetone; Alb, albumin; BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; CO, corn oil; EA, ethyl acetate; exp, exposure; Freq, frequency; GSA, guinea pig serum albumin; MSA, mouse serum albumin; OO, olive oil; sensit, sensitization.