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. 2006 Dec 11;115(3):383–389. doi: 10.1289/ehp.9546

Table 4.

Air concentrations of 10 insecticides and pesticide adjuvant in personal air samples collected over 48 hr from the mother during the 32nd week of pregnancy.

Air concentrations (ng/m3)a
Insecticide No. > LOD/total samples (%) Median Mean ± SDb Range
 Chlorpyrifos 95/96 (99.0)b 2.8 6.2 ± 11.1 < 0.4–83.4
 Diazinon 96/96 (100)b 8.6 27.2 ± 60.4 1.0–427.5
 Methyl parathion 0/54 (0)b < 0.2 NC NC
 Malathion 1/57 (1.8)b < 0.2 NC < 0.2–16.1
 Propoxur 96/96 (100)b 18.7 31.9 ± 45.6 1.7–342.9
 Bendiocarb 10/68 (14.7)b < 0.2 NC < 0.2–27.5
 Carbofuran 0/65 (0) < 0.2 NC NC
 Piperonyl butoxidec 61/89 (68.5)b 0.4 3.1 ± 11.4 < 0.2–98.2
trans-Permethrin 14/96 (14.5)b < 0.1 NC < 0.1–7.5
cis-Permethrin 12/96 (12.5)b < 0.4 NC < 0.4–9.4

NC, not calculated.


Mean ± SD was calculated if the pesticide was detected in ≥ 45% of samples; levels in samples without detections were set at one-half of the detection limit.


Air concentration could not be calculated for remaining sample(s) because of interference peaks or quality control issues.


Not itself a pyrethroid, but it is an adjuvant and indicator of exposure to pyrethroids.