Figure 3.
Combined AChr and synaptophysin labeling in soleus muscles was used to study the fate of vesicles in β-BTX-treated muscle fibers. In control fibers, the distribution of AChR was closely matched by the distribution of synaptophysin (A and D). A preparation studied 3 hours after exposure in vivo to β-BTX revealed the loss of synaptophysin labeling but the retention of AChR labeling (B and E). Synaptophysin reactivity did not return until 5 days after the inoculation of toxin. Combined neurofilament and AChR labeling in the muscles was used to study the status and pattern of innervation. Control preparations revealed the typical (one axon per end plate) pattern of innervation (C). A preparation made 6 hours after the inoculation with toxin reveals the breakdown of the axon cytoskeleton but the retention of AChR labeling (F). Reinnervation was associated with extensive collateral innervation (G and H) rarely seen in control preparations. This change in innervation pattern was first seen at 7 days and retained at least until 21 days after inoculation. Scale bars, 50 μm.