Figure 11.
Deposition of immune complexes in pulmonary xenograft recipients. Liver and spleen taken from baboons before (0 hours) and after (20 hours) porcine pulmonary xenotransplantation were investigated by immunofluorescent microscopy for evidence of immune deposits. A: Fluorescent staining of anti-porcine vWF, with a rhodamine counterstain for basement membrane. Deposition of porcine vWF is evident in baboon liver and spleen after pulmonary xenotransplantation. Original magnification, ×400. B: Fluorescent staining of anti-human C3, with a rhodamine counterstain for basement membrane. Deposition of porcine C3 is evident in baboon liver and spleen after pulmonary xenotransplantation. Original magnification, ×400.