Figure 2.
3q copy number status determined by FISH for normal, premalignant, and invasive cancer tissue. A: 3q copy number status determined by FISH on normal (two copies from 3q26.3 and 3q centromeric probe), in situ carcinoma (three copies from 3q26.3 and two copies from 3q centromeric probe), and invasive squamous cell carcinoma (six copies from 3q26.3 and two copies from 3q centromeric probe). DAPI-stained interphase nuclei are shown. Red signals represent a 3q centromeric probe and green signals represent the pooled YAC probe. B: Results of FISH analysis of paraffin-embedded tissue. Overall, amplification at 3q26.3 was significantly more common in invasive cancers (56%), than preinvasive lesions (25%) or normal mucosa (4%; P < 0.001). Note that amplification at 3q26.3 was only detected in normal and preinvasive mucosal samples obtained for margins adjacent to the invasive cancer.