Colocalization of LBs and NFTs in neurons of the amygdala of Guam PDC patients. Double-stained preparations for LBs and NFTs are as follows: A–F: Bright-field images of LBs immunostained with Syn202 using the ABC procedure and DAB as chromogen. A′-F′: Fluorescent images of Congo red stained NFTs in the same sections as shown in A–F. A″-F″: Fluorescent images after conversion to black and white superimposed onto the bright-field images. In A (patient 10), B (patient 3), and F (patient 6, upper right), three neurons are depicted in which the LB and NFT are located side by side. In C (patient 3), D and E (patient 21) and F (bottom left) the neurons show NFTs intermingled with LBs. The arrows in D′ and D″ point to extracellular NFTs which were not associated with LBs. Scale bar, 20 μm.