Fig. 4.
Frequency of Vα-Jα rearrangements in DP thymocytes from ATM KO and WT mice. Genomic DNA was isolated from the sorted DP thymocytes of Atm−/− mice and control Atm+/+ littermates. Genomic rearrangements of Vα8 (a) or Vα10 (b) to multiple Jα genes were measured by quantitative PCR and normalized to the signal of the invariant Cα. Ratios of the amount of each Vα-Jα rearrangement in ATM KO DP thymocytes relative to the amount in WT control DP thymocytes and the significance of the differences between ATM-deficient and WT rearrangements for each Vα-Jα combinations are shown. Rearrangements in three to eight individual mice, which were analyzed for each data point, are shown. The organization of the TCR Jα cluster is displayed at the top.