The expression of M1GS ribozymes in human cells. Northern analyses were
carried out with RNA isolated from parental U373MG cells (−, lane 4)
and two sets of cloned cell lines that expressed M1-TK (lanes 1 and 5),
M1-IE (lanes 2 and 6), and C-IE (lanes 3 and 7) ribozymes. Equal
amounts of each RNA sample (30 μg) were separated on 2.5% agarose
gels that contained formaldehyde, transferred to a nitrocellulose
membrane, and hybridized to a 32P-radiolabeled probe that
contained the DNA sequence coding for M1 RNA. The hybridized products
corresponding to the full-length retroviral transcripts (≈6 kb),
transcribed from the long terminal repeat promoter, are at the top of
the gel and are not shown.