Figure 7.
CRD-BP is capable of shielding MDR-1 RNA from endonucleolytic attack by the mammalian endoribonuclease. (A) One unit of the purified mammalian endoribonuclease was incubated with [32P] MDR-1 RNA nts 746–962 as described in the Materials and methods section, without (lane 2) or with the presence of 500 nM (lane 5), 750 nM (lane 4) or 1500 nM (lane 3) of purified recombinant His6-tagged CRD-BP. Lane 2 had the input RNA only. (B) As in (A), the purified endoribonuclease was incubated with [32P] β-globin RNA nts 1–145 without (lane 3) or with the presence of 750 nM (lane 4) or 1500 nM (lane 5) of purified recombinant His6-tagged CRD-BP. Lane 1 had the input RNA only.