Figure 4.
Meiotic DSB formation around the YCR048w DSB hotspot. YHS326 (A, wild type); YHS363 (B, SPO11-3FLAG); YHS397 (C, GAL48D-SPO11); YHS427 (D, GAL4BD–SPO11/SPO11-3FLAG); YHS439 (E, GAL4BD–spo11Y135F); and YHS517 (F, GAL4BD–spo11Y135F/SPO11-3FLAG) cells were taken at the indicated times (hours) after meiotic induction. Genomic DNA was prepared in agarose plugs and digested with AseI. Southern blot analysis was performed with a probe for the YCR048w region (indicated by a thin bar in the right diagram). All strains were homozygous for the rad50S allele, which prevents DNA end processing and causes accumulation of meiotic DSBs. The graphs (panel below the DSB data) show quantified data for the most prominent DSB at the YCR048w DSB hotspot (gray vertical bars; locations are indicated by the lowest arrow in the right diagram) and UAS-dependent DSB at the YCR048w open reading frame (open vertical bars; locations are indicated by arrowhead in the right diagram). Arrows in the right diagram indicate the positions of DSB sites. Numbers beneath the graphs are culture time (hours) in SPM.