Figure 4.
LINE-1 methylation variability in cancer cell lines. DNA samples of normal peripheral blood lymphocyte, normal colon mucosa and sixty-one cell lines from eight different tissues types were investigated for LINE-1 methylation using bisulfite PCR followed by pyrosequencing. The normal tissues presented high levels of LINE-1 methylation (above 70% in average), and a large variation in methylation levels was observed for cancer cell lines, with a minimum methylation density of 6.5% being observed for the leukemia cell line K562. Taken as a group, leukemia cell lines were moderately demethylated (average 56.1%), followed by ovary, colon, prostate and lung cancer cell lines (variation from 49.7% to 35.1%). Central nervous system (CNS), breast and the one liver cancer cell lines tested were deeply demethylated (bellow 30% in average). Dotted line represents average methylation in normal controls.