Figure 1.
CTGF expression levels in acute leukemias and normal controls, and overall survival of a series of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients by CTGF expression levels. (A) CTGF expression level in different specimens in HG U133A arrays. The intensity of expression is in log2 scale. AML indicates acute myeloid leukemia; B-ALL, B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia; T-ALL, T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia; U-ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia of unknown lineage; PBSCD34, CD34-enriched cells derived from G-CSF–mobilized peripheral blood; NBM, normal bone marrow; CD22, CD22+-selected B cells from normal peripheral blood (2 samples in duplicate); NPB, normal peripheral blood; BMCD34, CD34-enriched cells from normal bone marrow. (B) Overall survival in ALL patients in high, intermediate, and low CTGF expression tertiles, measured by Q-RT-PCR.